Help Videos

On-demand help for conveyor system configuration & operation

Customers Come First

At Rapid-Veyor, we make customer service a priority. Our knowledgeable staff is here to provide you with the suppor you need, when you need it — and sometimes “when you need it” is now! 

If you’re looking for help configuring, operating, or servicing your Rapid-Veyor portable conveyor system, you’re in the right place. We’ve created an on-demand help video library to better service you. Check the videos out below!

Video Library: Portable, Modular Conveyor Belt Solutions

Rapid-Veyor Portable, Modular Conveyor System Overview

Here’s an overview of what the Rapid-Veyor portable, modular conveyor system is, how it works, and what benefits it offers. 

Demo: Modular Conveyor System Corner Configurations in Action

In this video, our team demonstrations some of the various corner configurations for your modular conveyor belt system.

Demo: Running Small Trees Down a Conveyor Belt Incline 

With Rapid-Veyor portable, modular conveyor systems, you can even run product down an incline. Check out this example.

How to Set Up Corners on a Modular Conveyor System

Wondering how to set up corners on your modular conveyor belt? Al walks you through some helpful tips here.

How to Connect and Disconnect Modular Conveyor Belt Sections

The best part of a modular conveyor system is its reconfigurability. Learn how to add or remove conveyor belt sections here.

Shop Rapid-Veyor Portable Conveyors


Looking to purchase a new portable conveyor system or upgrade an existing one? Find all the conveyor components and parts you need here — from drop-in drives, to hardware kits, to everything in between.

Contact Rapid-Veyor

Want to learn more about Rapid-Veyor portable conveyor solutions? Ready to request a quote and purchase some belts of your own? Have a support question about your existing system? We’re happy to help! Contact us today.